Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ouch! Anything for my babies.

When we got to the specialists, they said that the one baby had the same amount of fluid as a 9 month single baby. Sadly, this meant that the other baby was being squashed like a pancake and had no bladder. They admitted me into the hospital and started me on steriods. They did a procedure where they pulled out the access amniotic fluid. The doctors pulled out 3 liters fluid to be able to get the level to normal. This morning they did another ultrasound and everything is looking normal. The bigger baby still has an enlarged bladder, but his brother now has a bladder. The docter is going to do another ultrasound in the morning and we are going to be coming up with a game plan from there, but it looks like I will be released tomorrow. I will have to stay in Billings though for the near future since they will want to see me a couple times a week and the drive from home is 2 hours.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mommy wants to keep you!

Goodness, it has been awhile since I posted. So much has happened! We found out in December that we are having two little boys, Marcus and Alexander. They are in two different sacs, which is a huge relief! They are sharing a placenta though. We have been seeing a doctor every two weeks since, flip-flopping between the main doctor and the specialist. On Monday, we went to see the specialist, and the boys are showing signs of twin-to-twin transfusion (TTTS). TTTS only happens when multiples are sharing a placenta. One baby starts sending all of his nutrients to the other one. The first signs are fluid differences in the sacs. Then bladder size differences, since the majority of the fluid is urine. If it gets bad, one baby will be really small and underdeveloped and the other one with have an enlarged heart from all the extra blood it has to pump. On Monday, one baby had tons of water to swim in, while the other had this little space with very little fluid. The ultrasound tech and the doctor couldn't find the amnion (the membrane from where the sacs come together). Otherwise, they are the same size and bladders are the same size, so...we go back up on Monday and hope that either they have worked it out between themselves or there hasn't been any change. Right now, I need to keep them as long as possible. They are both just under 2 pounds. If this past week has made a dramatic enough change, they will start me on steriods to help my boys' lungs develop and put on weight. If it has been a horrible week, they might pull them. We are crossing our fingers that we just end up having to go up every week. My husband is going nuts from trying to see how we will work it if I'm admitted to the hospital. With the doctor's and the NICU being 2 hours away, he doesn't want to have to go back to work and leave me up there alone, but we might not have a choice. I'll do my best to post next week after the doctor's visit about any changes. Any prayers we are extremely thankful for!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Busy Life...and Possible Good News

My life is always so busy in November and December! I work at Hickory Farms every year to save up a little extra money. Instead of helping us afford Christmas, this year it all is being saved for when the twins are born! I didn't realize working two jobs while pregnant would tire me out so much though. Enough about why I didn't post immediately, I'll get on to the news every one is waiting for! I saw my babies again on Monday. They are both healthy and developing normal. And.... there is a chance that they are in two sacs after all! The doctor said it is sometimes are to tell with early ultrasounds, but this time there was a very, very faint line seperating the babies. Since all I have are 3D pictures this time, I don't have one of the line to show. (That shows how thin it was!) While the doctor said we didn't have to go see the specialist, we still will just in case. A new machine, a fresh pair of eyes, and all that good stuff. If they are in two sacs, no hospital stay! I can have them in my hometown. If we don't find the membrane again, then the specialist will have the answers for when I start my stay since I will be having them there instead of here.
You can see one baby clearly and the other one's butt.
We think we see the head poking out from behind the other's back.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oh Boy!

I went in for another appointment on Tuesday to see my twins. It appears that they are sharing a sac! This adds a lot more risks to the equation. By sharing a sac, and thus a placenta, they can become entangled not only in their own cords, but in each others. One could also compress the other's cord and cause multiple problems and possible death. There is also the chance of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) where one twin receives more nutrients than the other and you end up with possible stunted growth and/or retardation. In December, I'll be going to see the high risk doctor in Billings, Montana (since there isn't enough business to keep one here) to get his opinion. If we still can't find a membrane dividing the twins, then I will be going into the Billings hospital at 7 months to stay until the doctors decide that it too risky for me to carry my babies anymore. It is an added procaution, so that if something is going wrong the twins can be taken out immediately. Since there is a slew of problems that can happen during birth, they will be taken out by c-section. They don't want to take any chances with a natural birth.
Other than that worry being added to my plate, the twins are healthy and moving around. One of them waved at the screen for us. The doctor did a little 3D imagery, although I don't have a picture of it, and they looked so cute! While they are identical, they are two seperate babies. That is nice to know. If the egg had split any later, they might have been conjoined (siamese). We are grateful for our two little miracles and pray for their healthy growth!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

B-bump, B-bump and another B-bump, B-bump

Well, I got a positive test a few weeks ago. I waited to tell everyone (though I had a hard time keeping it in) until I had been to the doctor's. I went in today for my first appointment and to be able to hear my baby's heartbeat. My husband and I were shocked when we heard TWO heartbeats. Twins do not run in my family at all, on either side, so it is very shocking that I will be having twins. We are on cloud nine here in the Schneck house.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Knowledge is Power

I just got the email last night. My finicial aid was approved which means I can go back to school! This is very exciting for me. When I went before, I had too many negative distractions in my life, so I did need the time I took off. But now, I'm ready to go again. I'm planning on going for a dual major of English and Secondary Education. Hopefully, I'll be able to find a job in it when I graduate. That would give me the same hours as any children my husband and I have. And, I would be able to leave my current job, which is stressing me out to no end!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

He is getting up there!

I want to have at leasta one post every month, but I couldn't think of anything exciting happening this month...until I remembered that today is my husband's birthday! He turns 30 today. We were hoping to have at least one child by now. I have a year to pop one out. We wanted one before he turned 30, because now he would be 40 when the kid turned 10. He thinks of himself as an old man already. While I fully enjoy teasing him about his age, I also have to remind him that 30 isn't old anymore. 40 isn't considered old any more either. With so many reaching 100 years old, it takes reaching 50 to really be over the hill, since that would be closer to half way. So, here is to another year in my old man's life. I love you, honey!